Thursday, May 26, 2011

Time Lapse from today's work

white washed

I plan on doing some time lapse videos here and there, I have done a handful during other sessions last week but none were very interesting.  

Painting notes:

-Started with Ult. Blue glaze, then switched to Ivory Black glaze.

-Began painting thin layer of off-white on the clouds, ended up glazing entire painting w/ the white mixture.

-defined shapes w/dark outline.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More paint and some detail photos.

Today's work 5.24.11

Some notes from today:

-painted with lim. palette: ult. blue, burnt umb, bright red, hansa yell deep. 

-purposely "destroyed" segments of the painting I was already feeling happy with.


-feel like the next session I'll need to be more careful and establish stronger (more definite) shapes.

detail of a head

Friday, May 20, 2011

I already want to quit...

...and I think it is a good sign.  Here is the start with some paint on the canvas.

First day block in.

tools of the trade.

I am also keeping a little notebook during the project where I take shorthand notes along the way.  Here are a few excerpts from today:

-Already want to quit, good sign

-Trying to paint differently than what feels instinctual. 

-Block-in approx. 35 min.